ROBANOKO   English Mesaages   Library

Unser Herr lebt  ENGLISH PDF
冊子 「主は生きておられる」巻頭メッセージの英訳

55   The Salvation of Jesus (4), the Path to Progress: “Reckoning” イエスの救い(4)進歩への道「計算すること」

54   The Salvation of Jesus (3), the Path to Progress: "Knowing" イエスの救い(三)進歩への道「知ること」

53   The Salvation of Jesus (2), the Value of Jesus' 'Cross' to the 'Old Man' イエスの救い(二)「古い人」に対するイエス様の「十字架」の価値

52   The Salvation of Jesus (1), Sins of Humans and the Value of Jesus' Blood イエスの救い(一)人間の罪とイエス様の血潮の価値とはどのようなお方でしょうか

51   What Kind of Man is Jesus?  イエス様とはどのようなお方でしょうか

50   The Secret to Build up the Church  教会を建て上げる秘訣

50   Be Filled with the Holy Spirit  聖霊に満たされなさい

49   Growth of the Life of Faith  信仰生活の成長

48   The Parable of the MusterdSeed (2)    からし種のたとえ(2)

47   The Parable of the Mustard Seed (1)   からし種のたとえ(1)

43-2 Death is not the End   死は終わりではない

43-1 The Walk in the Holy Spirit    御霊による歩み

42 Preparation for the Service    奉仕のための備え

41  His blessing ― Life Everlasting    とこしえの命の祝福

40  The Secret of the Victorious Life: Our Inner Beings.    勝利者の秘訣 内なる人

39  The Way to the Victorious Life   勝利者への道

38  The Way to Know His Will.    御心を知る道

37   Love of the Lord God―Its Significance and Value    主なる神の愛の意味と価値

36  The Bible as your Medicine Cabinet 薬棚である聖書

35   The Wonderful Works of God   神の大きなみわざ

34   Death is not the End.  死は終りではない

33  Purpose of the Lord in our Life   わたしたちの生活における主のご目的

32  The Blessing of Being Loved   愛されている幸せ

31  Let's Look up to the Lord Jesus! 主イエス様を仰ぎ見よう

31  The Church as His Body  みからだなる教会

30  The Mission of Christians 2− Struggle to Win the “Prize” of the Lord   キリスト者の使命<2>主の「賞」を得るための戦い 英和対訳版

29   Life after Death  死んでも生きる

29  The Mission of Christians 1 The Purpose of Salvation  キリスト者の使命(1)救われた目的

28  Training of the Disciples, Part 2 of 2   弟子たちの教育(後編)

27  Training of the Disciples, Part 1 of 2

26 The most important decision in your life 人生における最も大切な決定

25 What the Lord wants.  主の願い

24  Mystery of Life, Hidden Blessing  人生の謎、隠された祝福

23   Eyes of the Lord Jesus  主イエス様のまなざし

22  You need to Listen to His voice  主のみ声を聞く必要性

21 Only one savior Jesus Christ  ただひとりの救い主 イエス・キリスト

20  Our Attitude of Coming to the Meetings  どういう心構えで集会に集うべきでしょうか

19  Seven Great Discoveries of Nicodemus   七つの偉大なる発見

18 Why don't you believe? Answering to 14 Questions 2.  なぜ信じないのですか? (2)

18  Why do we Celebrate the Completion of the New Chapel?『献堂式のお祝いをする意味はどこにあるのですか? 』、、ゴットホルド・ベック

17 Why don't you believe? Answering to 14 Questions 1.   なぜ信じないのですか? (1)

17 Need for the Revival: Lord, Give me New Life!   リバイバルの必要性 ― 主よ、私を新たに生かしてください!  ゴットホルド・ベック

15 What does the Bible say?―Part 3: Wrong Expectation of Humans  聖書は何と言っていますか―第3回、間違った望み


February 29th, 2016, The Interment Ceremony for Mr. Hideo Okane, Ichikawa

           Jesus as the Victor  

May 22nd, 2016, Gospel Meeting, Toyama

           Rejoice in the Lord More Than Ever   Gotthold Beck  EnglishPDF    JapanesePDF

June 12th, 2016, Oakayama Gospel Meeting   
           Being Renewed by Knowing the Lord  Gotthold Beck   EnglishPDF     JapanesePDF

June 5th,2016 Niigata Gospel Meeting   The Perfume of Nard       EnglishPDF        JapanesePDF


May 29th,2016  OKinawa Gpspel Meeting   Rejoice in the Lord        EnglishPDF       JapanesePDF

       主にあって 喜べ

May 1st, 2016, Miyota Gospel Meeting    Let us Offer to the Lord     EnglishPDF         Japanese PDF


April 3rd, 2016, Gospel Meeting, Oarai
   I Met the Lord of Resurrection.

                EnglishPDF        JapanesePDF

March 13th, 2016, Gospel Meeting, Sendai
   How Do We Obtain the Great Joy of the Lord Himself?
        EnglishPDF        JapanesePDF


February 25th, 2016, Home Meeting at Kodaira
  Jesus' Victory Over the Devil
EnglishPDF        JapanesePDF


January 10th, 2016, Miyota Gospel Meeting
  The Life of Those Who Trust in Jesus                    EnglishPDF        JapanesePDF


Tuseday Meeting At Kichijoji  

June 7th, 2016,    The Parable of Mustard Seed (2)  PDF   からし種のたとえ(2)

May 31st, 2016,    The Parable of Mustard Seed (1)   PDF   からし種のたとえ(1)

May 24th, 2016,   Growth of the Life of Faith   PDF    信仰生活の成長

May 3rd, 2016    The Four Different Ways to Hear.   PDF   4種類の聞き方

April 26th, 2016    Importance of Listening to His Word.  PDF  みことばを聞く大切さ

April 19th, 2016    What We Need to Know.   PDF 知るべき知識

April 12th, 2016,   Difference between the Lord Jesus and his Disciples  PDF 主イエス様と弟子たちの違い

April 5th, 2016,      The Blessing of Drawing Near to God  PDF  神の近くにいる幸い

March 22nd, 2016,   Qualified Servants of the Lord   PDF   求められている主の僕

March 15th, 2016,    We Were Saved to Serve Him.  PDF   仕えるために救われた

March 8th, 2016,     Christ as the End of the Law    PDF  掟の終わりであるキリスト

March 1st, 2016,     Eyes of the Lord, Part 2  PDF    主のまなざし(2)

February 23rd, 2016   Liberation from the Law   PDF     掟からの解放

February 16th, 2016   The Unity of the Spirit  PDF  御霊の一致

February 9th,2016    The Second Coming of the Lord.  PDF  主の再臨

February 2nd,2016   His Forthcoming Return.  PDF  近づく再臨


August 23rd, 2015, Gospel Meeting, Miyota

                 Gotthold Beck   The Advent of the Lord     EnglishPDF

August 9th, 2015, Gospel Meeting, Miyota

                 Gotthold Beck   A Flock of Model Believers    JapanesePDF      EnglishPDF

August 2nd, 2015, Gospel Meeting, Miyota

                 Gotthold Beck   The Church is Alive.      JapanesePDF      EnglishPDF

July 19th, 2015, Gospel Meeting, Miyota
                Gotthold Beck   The Lord Jesus as the Victor    JapanesePDF      EnglishPDF

稲毛海岸家庭集会   イエスとは誰か?
May 22nd, 2015, Inage-Kaigan Home Meeting   Who is Jesus?           JapanesePDF      EnglishPDF
Gotthold Beck

April 22th,2017 URAWA Home Meeting   浦和家庭集会 主の御心にかなったダビデ

               Gotthold Beck    The King Who Pleased the Lord.    JapanesPDF       EnglishPDF

January 14th, 2015, Kasukabe Home Meeting
                Gotthold Beck   Great is the Fellowship with the Lord  JapanesePDF   English PDF

Tuseday Meeting At Kichijoji  

December 22th,2015  The Meaning of the Christmas  PDF クリスマスの意味

December 15th,2015  Rejoice in the Lord   
PDF 主を喜ぼう

December 8th, 2015, Prophecies in the Bible (1)    
PDF  聖書の預言(1)

November247th  Accomplished Plan of Salvation(13)   PDF      果たされた救いの計画(13)

November 17th  Accomplished Plan of Salvation(12)   PDF      果たされた救いの計画(12)

November 10th  Accomplished Plan of Salvation(11)   PDF      果たされた救いの計画(11)

November 3th   Accomplished Plan of Salvation(10)   PDF      果たされた救いの計画(10)

October 27th   Accomplished Plan of Salvation(9)    PDF      果たされた救いの計画(9)

October 13th   Accomplished Plan of Salvation (7)  PDF      果たされた救いの計画(7)

October  6th   Acocmplished Plan of Salvation(6)    PDF       果たされた救いの計画(6)

September 29th  Accomplished Plan of Salvation(5)   PDF   果たされた救いの計画(5)

September 22th  Accomplished Plan of Salvation(4)   PDF   果たされた救いの計画(4)

September 15th  Accomplished Plan of Salvation (3)   PDF  果たされた救いの計画(3)

September 8th Accomplished Plan of Salvation (2)  PDF  果たされた救いの計画(2)

September 1st  Accomplished Plan of Salvation (1)   PDF  果たされた救いの計画(1)

July 7th,      Creation of Men ― 4  PDF   人間の創造(4)

May 26th,     Devil, the Founder of Sins(3)  PDF  罪の創設者である悪魔(1)

May 5th,      Devil, the Founder of Sins(1)  PDF  罪の創設者である悪魔(1)

April 28th,     The Lord's Plan of Salvation, Part 2  PDF  主の救いの計画(2)

April 21st,     The Lord's Plan of Salvation, Part 1   PDF  主の救いの計画(1)

March 10th,    Blood of Redemption  PDF  主イエス様の贖いの血

March 3th     Peace and Security  PDF  平和と安全

Feburuary17th  Who is Jesus?   PDF  イエス様とはどなた?

February 10th,  Fatherly Advice    PDF  父親のような忠告

February 3th  The Reason We Were Saved.   PDF  救われた目的

January 20th,  The Lord will Come     PDF  主は来たりたもう

January 13th ,
Let us Look up to the Lord Jesus 2 PDF  主イエスを仰ぎ見ましょう2

November 2nd, 2014, Omi Hachiman   Bible Camp
    Gotthold Beck   
Your Word is Truth.    JapanesePDF   EnglishPDF

September 28th, 2014, Shizuoka Bible Camp
 Gotthold Beck   
Our Lord: the Extraordinary Guide   JapanesePDF  ENGLISH PDF

September 3rd, 2014, Kasukabe Home Meeting
Gotthold Beck    
Your Family will be Saved.  JapanesePDF      ENGLISH  PDF
August 24th, 2014, Gospel Meeting, Miyota
Gotthold Beck     
We Will Never be Ashamed.  PDF

August 17th, 2014, Gospel Meeting, Miyota
Gotthold Beck       
Let me Become your Disciple from the bottom of my Heart PDF 心の底から弟子となしたまえ

August 10th , 2014,
Gospel Meeting, Miyota Gotthold Beck
Our Attitude of Coming to the Meetings PDF  集会に集うべき態度
July 30th , 2014, Home Meeting at Miyota Gotthold Beck
Significance and Greatness of What Jesus Has Done PDF  イエス様のなさった事の大切さ、すばらしさ

January 24th, 2014,
Reitaku University, Lifelong Education PlazaGotthold Beck
Death is not the End PDF 死はおわりではない(麗澤大学講座)

Tuseday Meeting At Kichijoji  
Gotthold Beck

December 23rd,   The Arrival of Joy   PDF   喜びの訪れ

December16 th    Let us Look up to the Lord Jesus 1 
PDF   主イエスを仰ぎ見ましょう1

December 9th    Prayer that Reaches Heaven (2)   
PDF   天に届く祈り(2)

November 25th,    
Prayer that Reaches Heaven (1)   PDF  天に届く祈り(1)

November 18th  The Only Way to Know His Will(3)   
PDF   御心を知る道(3)

November 11th  The Only Way to Know His Will(2)  
PDF 御心を知る道(2)

November 4th,  The Only Way to Know His Will.(1)   
PDF 御心を知る道(1)

October 28 th   We ought to Look up to Jesus.    
PDF イエス様を仰ぎ見るべし

October 14th  The Unshakable Kingdom 
PDF  揺り動かされない御国

October 7th   He Makes the Impossible Possible.  
PDF   主にあって不可能が可能になる

September 23rd, Joshua: His Experience, Testimony and Determination  
PDF ヨシュアの体験、証し、決意

September 16th The Lord is Mine
PDF 私のものである主

September 2nd   Apart from Him, We Can Do Nothing.  
PDF  離れたらおしまい

July 8th    We Need the Revial 5 
PDF リバイバルの必要(5)

July 1st     We Need the Revival 4
PDF リバイバルの必要(4)

June24th    We Need the Revival 3
PDF  リバイバルの必要(3 )

June 17th    We Need the Revival 2
PDF  リバイバルの必要(2)

June 10th    We Need the Revival 1 
PDF  リバイバルの必要(1)

June 3rd    The Importance of Knowing the Lord   
PDF  主を知る大切さ

May 20th    The Battle to Win the Victory 
PDF 勝利を得る為の戦い

May 13th    Rejoice in the Lord  
PDF 主にあって喜べ

April 29th    The Determination of the Lord Jesus 
PDF 主イエス様の心構え

April22th     Fix your Attention on Jesus  
PDF  イエスから目を離さないで

April 15th     Strangers Walking toward the Goal  
PDF 目標をめざす旅人

April 8th      What is True Worship?  PDF まことの礼拝

April 1th      The Difference between the Disciples and the Blind Man  
PDF  弟子と盲人の違い

March 18th    Think!  
PDF 考えなさい

March 11th    Let us pray
PDF   祈ろう

March 4th,    Open thy Mouth Wide - 2014 
PDF あなたの口を大きく開けよ(2014)
January 14th Eyes of the Lord Jesus PDF  主イエス様のまなざし


February 20th, 2013  Ageo Home meeting  Wrath of the Lamb PDF  小羊の怒り
               Gotthold Beck

August 20th、2013 MIYOTA   The Disciples and the Blind Man PDF  弟子と盲人

2013Tuseday Meeting At Kichijoji  Gotthold Beck

December 17th, 2013, We Have Been Saved in Order to Wait PDF

October 15th, 2013, In Just a Little While 3 PDF   もうちょっと(3)

September 10th, 2013, Great Discoveries PDF 大いなる発見

June 11th, 2013, Let us Run Together PDF 共に走りましょう

May 14th, 2013,  Great Celebrations for the LordPDF 主の大いなるお祝い

March 12nd,2013  The Lord Jesus Revealed His GloryPDF 主イエスはご自分の栄光をあらわされた

March 19th、2013 The Three Most Important Things PDF 最も大切な3つの点

March 5th, 2013, Open thy Mouth Wide Gotthold Beck PDF あなたの口を大きくあけよ

February 19th,  2013 Let's Fly Like an Eagle PDF 鷲のようになろう

January 22nd, 2013,  Let’s go to Bethany  PDF ベタニヤへ行こう

January 15,2013  Friend of Sinners PDF 罪人の友


Fix your Attention on Jesus   イエス様から目を離さないでいなさい   PDF
November 25th, 2012, Bible Camp at Los Angeles
Gotthold Beck

Consequence of the Obedience PDF 従順の結果
November 13th, 2012, Kichijouji Bible Meeting
Gotthold Beck

2012  バンクーバー・よろこびの集いより 
Gospel Meeting at Vancouver - Gotthold Beck
Mar. 25 - What does it mean to trust Jesus? PDF 信頼するとは


Tuseday Meeting At Kichijoji  Gotthold Beck

Sep.18   God as the Merciful Potter - Part 2 of 2  PDF  恵みに富みたもう陶器師なる神 - 2

Sep.11   God as the Merciful Potter - Part 1 of 2   PDF 恵みに富みたもう陶器師なる神 - 1

Sep ,4   Just fear the Lord and everything will be fine.  主を恐れればOK

Aug.. 28   Let's start running we are embraced by the Lord. 捕らえられた者として走りましょう

June. 5   It will happen to your family .  あなたの家族も

May.22   We have ears to hear. 私たちは聞く耳を持っている

March.20  Two kinds of calls of Jesus.  2種類のイエス様の呼びかけ

Feb.14    Jesus and the Sick. PDF イエス様と病人

Jan. 24   What the Lord wants  PDF  主の願い

Jan .17  The importance being illuminated by the light .   光に照らされる大切さ


Various Meetings - Gotthold Beck
Feb. 1(Tuesday) - Unparalleled Salvation PDF 比類なき救い

May. 12(Kasukabe) - Jesus and the Sick PDF イエス様と病人


March 19th, 2006, Miyota Gospel Meeting
Gotthold Beck

Salvation of the Family (2006)
PDF 家族の救い


English Lyrics from Taeglicher Lobpreis  ( Hibi no Uta )Daily Worship



English Mesaages   Library

Prayers and Short Messages  PDF

Welcome Home Gotthold Beck PDF

Our Misery and the Fullness of the Lord PDF

Messages presented through Brothers in the LORD.

All Her Sins Are Forgiven.  Osaka Gospel Meeting, August 21st, 2011 Yoshio Takahashi
多くの罪を赦された女 (高橋義夫兄:大阪集会)

Prayer of Jonah - Whenever my Heart is Overwhelmed. Osaka Gospel Meeting, November 20th, 2011

Messages delivering REJOICE